Copperhead Ag

Furrow Cruiser

The Copperhead Furrow Cruiser® finally solved the SIDEWALL COMPACTION problem that came with the development of the double disk opening system on modern planters.

The “V” created by the opening system on planters causes a compaction zone that is necessary to get the seed down to planting depth. The problem with this is that current stock rubber tires and cast press wheels cannot consistently crumble and firm this soil back around the seed. With inconsistent seed-to-soil contact, emergence takes a hit, and yields suffer

Drill Cruiser- Copperhead Ag

Drill Cruiser

The Drill Cruiser’s unique combination of sidewall crumbling and soil firming makes it an effective product for JD drills and air seeders.  Its angular tooth design helps prevent spearing of trash and clogging mud. 

The Drill Cruiser works in virtually all soil types- from sandy to heavy and clay-based, and provides improved seed slot closure in both conventional and no-till practices.  The biggest advantages are seen in saturated soil or dry hard conditions.


Harvest ALL Crops with one set of Concaves

With Copperhead Concaves, you’ll have more money in your pocket and not on the ground.

Available for both John Deere and Case combines. This is the John Deere-compatible version. For the Case-compatible version, click here


Eliminates rotor loss


Less Fuel Consumption

Increase capacity in ALL CROPS


Slower rotor speed

Hard surfaced for long life


Cleaner grain sample

Harvest all crops, with simple adjustments


Faster harvesting

This is the original Concave System that was designed by Donnie Estes from Frankfurt Indiana. The OEM John Deere and Case round bar concave is made with 5/8″ bars and 5/8″ spacing. The Copperhead Concave System is designed with a 68% larger opening. The extra space between the bars allows you to unload threshed grain in the Concave section of the combine, rather than carrying it all the way through to the separating section, which overloads the separator. The main reason for rotor loss is overloading the the separating system.


The machined, 90 degree, hard-surfaced, notch on the face of the bars, restricts the flow. Restricted flow forces the grain to thresh quickly, keeping the machine from overloading the separating section. This system does not require the concave to be full to get the grain to thresh properly, the restricted flow is what gets the crop to thresh properly.


The third concave in this system is a separating concave. No threshing happens in this section, due to increased threshing in the first two sections with the notched round bar. Having a separating concave is, again, critical to unloading threshed gain from the system to decrease overload of the separating section.

The Copperhead Concave System uses three cover plates. Two in the first concave and one in the second concave section. The cover plates are completely adjustable and/or removable, which is what allows you to harvest any crop with the same set of concaves! With the ability to easily adjust the system, you will be able to dial in close to ZERO rotor loss.

Disruptor Kits for John Deere STS and S Series combines include 7 Disruptors with bolts/nuts. 5 Long Tooth Disruptors, and 2 Short Tooth Disruptors.

RK Gauge Wheel Arm Kits

Save time and money

The gauge wheel arm pivot is the #1 wear point on planters. This is caused by the fact that the ground load on the gauge wheel is offset from the center of the row where the arm contacts the adjustable stop. This offset load is supported by two points of contact between the pivot pin and the bore of the hub. These points wear and the arm starts to lean allowing the tire to pull away from the opener disk. Moving the arm in is generally the only thing you can do to temporarily compensate.


The GWARK is different from all other kits on the market, because it supports the offset load in a different way and actually solves the problem. The RKP design utilizes a disc spring to pre-load the outer end of the hub of the arm with enough spring pressure that the arm cannot lean but can pivot freely. Because the arm cannot lean, the pressure remains distributed almost uniformly around the circle of contact which is a large area. The result is that wear is practically eliminated.


After the installation of a rigidly mounted pivot pin, mounting gauge wheels becomes a breeze, as there is no need to balance the gauge wheel on a knee while trying to thread a new bolt into the tapped hole.

Closing Wheel Frame Kit

This kit replaces the bushing on a closing wheel arm with a bearing. It can be used on brand new planters and on planters that already have some wear to the closing wheel arm. Having the closing wheel arms tight is critical to keeping closing wheels centered on the seed trench and ensuring that your closing wheel can operate at peak performance.

RK Seed tube Guards

Seed Tube Guard

OEM seed tube guards typically wear down to 1/2″ by the end of an average season. The majority of the wear occurs early in the season. As the furrow becomes narrower planting depth decreases and becomes more erratic. The opener disks should be adjusted deeper to compensate. Increased compaction and glazing of the furrow side walls may result.

Plugging between opener disks and gauge wheels can be a serious problem. Worn gauge wheel arm pivots are the main cause by allowing the tires to pull away from the opener disks. Badly worn seed tube guards allow the disks to flex inward and contribute to the problem. The RKP guards will reduce this problem.

The nearly constant width and the flat bottom of the furrow produced by the RKP guards will allow the seed to more consistently reach a uniform depth. The flat bottom will not be compacted or glazed which should result in more uniform emergence.

Copperhead Agricultural Products was founded in 2008 in South Dakota. It began, like so many things, as a meeting of minds. These days we are making a long-term commitment not just to quality and innovation, but to American engineering and manufacturing. All of our products are manufactured with local American companies and all machine work is done by our workers in South Dakota.